
The most successful government intervention of all time?

16th July 2024

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The most successful government intervention of all time?

This episode is around savings, and how saving into a pension was made easier through one small, but significant change in process. Less than 50% of UK workers were saving in a pension prior to 2012, and more than 80% now do - and our guest today played a role in helping this change become the default across the UK. What’s the next innovation that will change millions of lives?


Helen Dean CBE, was the CEO at Nest Corporation, the Trustee that runs the Nest pension scheme, from 2015-2024. Nest has over 13 million members and invests half a billion pounds a month on their behalf. Helen was one of the architects of the UK’s automatic enrolment programme, working from the Department of Work and Pensions; she has a long-standing interest in addressing financial inequalities and promoting financial resilience and was awarded a CBE in the 2021 for her services to saving. 

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